Christene Jackman ©4.5.2024

"Welcome to the Shuv Show. I’m your host, Christene Jackman. This episode is entitled, “The Lions of Samaria.”
Just a note, the 1st of Nisan, which marks the beginning of the Biblical Feasts Calendar, is coming up at sundown on Monday evening, April 8, 2024. God reckons the start of a day as sundown. As always, the new month, Rosh Chodesh, is herald by a New Moon, the dark moon from which a tiny sliver of the moon shines, revealing the beginning of the new month.
Nisan 1 also means Pesach or Passover Week is almost here . . .
“The Lions of Samaria.” Recently, I reviewed an interesting account in 2 Kings 17. The scene is the Divided Kingdom of Israel, specifically, the 10 Northern Tribes realm, also known as “House of Israel,” as opposed to “House of Judah” which was comprised of only 2 Tribes: Yehudah (Judah) and Benyamin (Benjamin). . . .